HR strategy for Researchers
Since 2023, emlyon business school has endorsed the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. On 7 February 2025, emlyon business school received the HR Excellence in Research Award. In addition, we have published a Gender Equality Plan on our website, which outlines specific initiatives to promote equality among faculty, students, program participants, and management and administrative staff.
Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment policy
emlyon business school complies with Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment policy for the recruitment of Permanent Professors (see procedure in the document), PhD and doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. A significant component of our strategic plan for 2024-2028 is the recruitment of 50 new world-class permanent professors by 2028, which will result in a net increase of 30% in the size of our Permanent Faculty.
- PhD Students
For more than twenty years, emlyon's PhD program in Management has trained students to become independent researchers who produce world-class research, more specifically in the fields of organization theory, strategy, entrepreneurship and marketing.
> Find out more information about the program and application procedures.
- Post-doctoral researchers
Each research center at emlyon business school is permitted to request the hiring of one post-doctoral fellow. The recruitment process is decentralized, with each research center forming a recruitment committee composed of a minimum of four professors, ensuring a balanced representation of career levels, as well as gender and national origins. The selection process mirrors that of permanent professors but is conducted at the research center level. The final decision rests with the Head of the research center, who will serve as the post-doctoral fellow's supervisor.
- Doctoral Students
emlyon actively supports and welcomes funded research projects from both public funding organizations (such as Horizon Europe and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and private entities. Permanent professors, acting as principal investigators, are eligible to supervise doctoral students under an employment contract with emlyon. These doctoral students are fixed-term employees for a duration of four years and must be enrolled in a doctoral school at a French university. In such cases, the application process is organized through the respective doctoral school.
Human Resource Strategy for Permanent Professors
Human resource practices at emlyon business school are fully compliant with French Labor Law. All researchers hold employment contracts. At the collective level, professors are represented by two faculty representatives within the Economic and Social Committee, which serves as the employees' representative body. The specific principles governing the Faculty are upheld in accordance with the regulations outlined in the emlyon Faculty Handbook (accessible internally only). The document presents the principles grounding emlyon's Human Resource Strategy for Permanent Professors.
Action plan for the 2026 interim assessment by the European Commission
A comprehensive gap analysis between the principles outlined in the European Charter for Researchers and the practices at emlyon business school has been conducted in consultation with emlyon's researchers, their managers, faculty support teams, and governance bodies, including the Executive Committee, Faculty Committee, and Scientific Committee. This analysis has identified three key priorities for the upcoming two years:
- Enhancing the Professionalization of both OTM-R Monitoring and the Management of funded research projects.
- Assessing and Optimizing Research Spaces: A thorough evaluation of the utilization and arrangement of research spaces in the new campus facility has to be conducted.
- Balancing Research and Teaching: Efforts will be made to improve the equilibrium between research responsibilities and teaching duties for permanent professors.
In total, 109 researchers, from PhD Students to Full Professors, have been directly consulted regarding current management practices at emlyon. From these discussions, two additional priorities have emerged:
- Monitoring Researcher Satisfaction: It is crucial to assess the satisfaction levels of researchers to identify sources of dissatisfaction across different profiles and to implement appropriate action plans.
- Rethinking Researcher Evaluation: This evaluation will focus on three critical areas:
- Work-Family Conflict: Addressing the challenges faced by parents and family caregivers.
- Open Science: Promoting transparency and accessibility in research practices.
- Valuing Diverse Research Careers: Recognizing and supporting varied career paths within the permanent faculty.